Monday, March 3, 2008

Thanks to Laura Thompson & Ryan Pfeiffer, of the Guelph Mercury

If you know me, then you know that I tend not to use my blog for shameless self promotion - not that there's anything wrong with people taking note of one's accomplishements. Friends of mine know, there's been a few things I could have used this blog for.

However, when things are said and done, I do like to give kudos. I posted a little while back informing my readers and thanked them for their support as I had won the Best New Blog category of the 2007 Canadian Blog Awards.

Today, I am flattered that this news made FIRST PAGE in the Guelph Mercury. That means I have a colour photo - awesomeness!!!

I absolutely love the front page photo (thanks to the Merc's photographer Ryan Pfeiffer) - its mysterious, as if I'm hiding behind my blog with my words proceeding me. It's not a coincidence either that I have chosen not to include a photo of me on my blog. For example, I would have LOVED to have gone to the Ontario Tory convention a few weeks ago in London. And if I went, I wouldn't have wanted people to recognize me. I would have wanted to infiltrate to get the scoop!

I very much enjoyed my time speaking with Laura Thompson, the Merc's reporter. We shared some good stories, and what the article did discuss was just a very brief snipet of what we discussed. I guess I capitavted her so much with my story-telling that she didn't even notice Ryan behind her snapping photos.

Thanks to Laura, Ryan and the Mercury, on what I think was a very nice piece and I am very much flattered.

UPDATE: More press here and here (this was actually on the front page of the U of Guelph webpage for awhile). Thanks to those involved for the nice pieces.

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Sue Richards said...

Congrats on the award.

I run Blog Guelph. Would you like to trade links?

Gabriel said...

Congratulations, fellow winner! I just saw the article in the Mercury, and I might have my own in the Record soon (who knows).

I did get mentions in some of my home country's newspapers, though. It feels great to be recognized, doesn't it? :-)